Link Summaries


Here is the link summary for the articles from the ends of the assignments.  There were a couple of links I could not get to work, but those have been noted and pointed out within the pdf.

Link Summary


Creating a portfolio

Showcasing your work as a freelance artist or graphic artist can be a daunting task.  Writer Matt McCue of wrote a post about presenting a successful portfolio online. Here are the highlights:

  • Simplicity is key; use less words and let your work speak for itself
  • Quality is more important than quantity
  • Try to pick real assignments over personal projects

Go forth and get hired!

An example of an online portfolio

Assignment #5, Part B

I had a bit of trouble with this part.  I could not figure out how to save the slide as 1080×810 pixels, so instead I formatted the slide itself to be those dimensions and then saved it.

I made a minor change from my wireframe to the mock-up website, and that was moving the tagline to be adjacent to the logo instead of below.  I still have a lot of dead space though and think I may continue to modify it before finalizing the website.

Here is the link to the invision post:

And here is the slideshare assignment:

Creating new colors

Designer and writer John Brownlee recently wrote about scientists “inventing” new colors in labs, including a non-fading blue and yellow, along with an artificial iridescence.  My personal favorite, however, is the “blackest black,” called Vantablack.

While it might not be so possible to “invent” a new color, it is very possible to invent new colorants, which are newly created materials.  Vantablack was created by Surrey Nanosystems located in England and is made up of millions of vertical nanotubes designed to absorb the light, creating the illusion of a black hole and the appearance of a void.  Within the past several months, Vantablack has been engineered into a spray form, so new applications can be developed.  Currently, there is one artist in England who owns the exclusive rights to creating vantablack art, but that may change in the coming years.  Where will science take artists next?


Enhanced hearing through a new app

Have you ever attended a concert or event where the noise was so loudly overwhelming?  On the contrary, have you ever been sitting at the dinner table unable to understand anyone because they are speaking so quietly?  Justin Marks’ new app Audihance will manipulate the sound waves around you in order to create an ideal volume for the user.

While looking at Audihance’s Facebook page, the logotype and cover photo immediately stood out to me.  Including the expanded and full logotype as the cover photo was an excellent and impactful decision, and the logotype itself is wonderfully designed and fitting for the app.  However, I wonder technically about how the app will distinguish background noise from the subject noise.  Also, will there be special headphones required to make the app effective?

Overall, I would be very excited to watch Audihance develop. It will be revolutionary to the world of hearing aids and disabilities.