Assignment 4

As always, here is my assignment 4!

With this assignment, I could not take one single screenshot of all 20 comments, so instead I took more screenshots and added an additional slide.  In addition to that, I included the transparent images in the slideshow as you could only see the square thumbnails in the “Photos” preview on Facebook.

Just in case, as well:

Too much pain, definitely no gain

Christian Jarrett was a psychologist who became a writer and editor for the British Psychological Society’s Research Digest blog and has written several best-selling books.  Jarrett writes, “…any spare time not spent on your passion project is an indication that you’re not fully committed…” and this is an idea I have personally struggled with for a long time.  So often, I find myself feeling worthless because it has been more than a couple of days since I created any art or did something productive. I will treat myself badly because of it, while I would not tolerate the same destructive behavior in any of my friends.  I have been getting better about being kind to myself, and will continue to work on these skills forever.  Jarrett writes about studies showing that people who are more kind to themselves have significantly less mental stress, so self-kindness is a good goal for everyone.


Getting good at things is the first step and you can do it yourself

Best-selling author, marketer, and blogger Seth Godin wrote an article in 2009 about becoming a better graphic designer.  He had some excellent points about creating better-than-mediocre designs so that you can tell when you hire a less-than-mediocre designer, but stating that by studying “An hour a day for a month and you won’t have to hide your face in shame,” he discredits self-taught people.

Godin provided a list of “masters” from which to learn about design principles and techniques but many people, myself included, don’t respond to learning by only reading online, and instead prefer to learn by actively doing.  Esteemed designer Paul Rand is one of those people, as he found schooling boring and taught himself everything.  Godin’s message was to learn a skill so as to better your judgement when hiring someone to do basic work, but he shouldn’t assume that everyone learns in the same manner.

Paul Rand’s IBM Logo

Paul Rand’s ABC Logo